With the new premier of the highly anticipated House of the Dragon series, we took the time to match our favourite eyewear with your favourite characters!
Author Archives: charlotte
How Can I Make My Glasses Anti-Glare?
Anti-glare glasses give you clearer, more comfortable vision. Check out the different anti-glare options that are available.
How to Pick The Most Comfortable Eyeglasses for You – a 5 Step Guide
Given how much time we spend wearing our glasses, it’s essential that they’re comfortable in terms of both fit and vision.
What are Bifocal Glasses?
Bifocal lenses have significant advantages, but there are other things to consider before deciding if a pair of bifocals is the best choice for you.
The Best Blue Light Glasses for Kids
Choosing glasses for someone else can be tricky, even more so when that perosn is a child. Here’s our guide to help you navigate the process.
Everything You Need to Know About Presbyopia
Presbyopia affects your close-range vision, making obkjects appear blurred. Learn why and how to treat it.
Causes and Treatment for Red, Bloodshot Eyes
Bloodshot eyes can be a symptom of some quite serious eye conditions, or just a mild irritation. Find out what’s responsible in your case and how you can remedy it.
7 Perfect Glasses for National Book Lovers Day
Happy National Book Lovers Day! We matched the perfect glasses to your favourite genre so you can read all the books you can think of on this special day.
Do I Need Glasses?
There are many signs that you may need glasses. if you’ve noticed any of these, it’s time to get your eyes tested.
What Is Depth Perception?
Depth perception allows us to understand the distance between objects. Learn about the processes that make it work, how to test your own depth perception and how to improve it.