If you have thick glasses, your prescription is likely stronger than most. But what is the purpose of thick glasses lenses? Prescription lenses bend the light through curved lenses as it enters your eye. Short-sighted wearers will have lenses that are thicker on the edge and thinner in the middle, while those who are long-sighted will have the opposite.
Category Archives: Prescription
What are Gaming Glasses?
Gamers spend a lot of time in front of their screens, so gaming glasses were developed to help reduce the adverse affects of all that screen time. Learn all about how they work in this article.
Spherical Aberration
Spehrical aberration is when light rays pass through a spherical lens and do not all converge on the same point, creating less than perfect vision. Find out how it is remedied in this article.
Nearsighted Glasses – What you need to know
If you have blurry vision when looking at distant objects, nearsighted glasses are for you.
What Are Polarised Sunglasses?
Polarized sunglasses are high-functioning glasses with many benefits. While the term may sound familiar, you may have many questions like “what does polarized mean?” and “do I need polarized lenses?”.
Lowest Prescription for Contacts
People with all prescription types use contacts because they have multiple advantages. Contact lenses adhere to the shape of the eye to allow a wider field of vision and cause less vision distortions and obstacles than prescription glasses.
What Causes Blurred Vision?
Blurred vision has a long list of potential causes, but these condition are responsible in the majority of cases.
Parts of Glasses: All You Need to Know
How many of the 11 different parts that makeup glasses can you name? By the end of this article, you’ll know them all.
Do Blue Light Glasses Help With Night Driving?
Discover the benefits of blue light glasses and how they may impact visibility while driving at night.
Do Computer Glasses Work?
Computer glasses differ from traditional eyeglasses or reading glasses in a few ways to optimize your eyesight when viewing your computer screen.