Sunglasses lenses may or may not deterioate naturally over time, as their are expert opinions behind each side of the argument. Here is some useful info on making sure you get the protection you need from your shades.
Category Archives: Prescription
What Are Pinhole Glasses?
Pinhole glasses have no lenses, but lots of small holes. They work very differently from regular glasses.
How to Clean Glasses
Dirty and smudged glasses make it harder to see. Learn how to clean them properly for crystal clear vision and less chance of scratches.
How to Buy Glasses Online
Buying glasses online is fast and easy. Follow these simple steps to find your perfect pair of glasses online.
Prescription Safety Glasses Buying Guide
If you’ve got imperfect vision and you also need to wear protective safety glasses for work or sport, you can combine your safety glasses with prescription lenses.
Folding Reading Glasses- No More Bulky Specs Cases
Folding reading glasses can fit snugly in your pocket. Learn more about them and check out some of our recommendations for the best pairs.
Types of Glasses
Glasse can differ in many aspects, such as lens type, function and frame style. This guide will gives you an overview of all the options available so you can choose the perfect pair for your eyes.